(206) 527-9399

One The Event – Recap

Inspired by the 10th anniversary of 9/11, thousands of people gathered online and at the Seattle Center on 9/11/2011 to launch a movement in rebuilding our relationships with love and kindness and to celebrate global unity. Rabbi Olivier BenHaim was at Memorial...

Interfaith Leaders #OccupySeattle

WHAT: Interfaith Prayer Circle to Support the Spirit of #Occupy Seattle. Interfaith Leaders will gather to Support #OccupySeattle and #OccupyWallStreet. Our faith and our connection to the human spirit calls us to notice and speak up. America is not living up to its...

In The Greater Community

In addition to our Sukkot events (Decorating the Sukkah/Movie and Sukkot Workshop) going on this weekend, there are a few other events in our greater community that you might want to check out. Plus –  Don’t forget to reserve your tickets now for the...