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The Four (Jewish) Noble Truths

Vayigash Genesis 44:18 – 47:27 In the middle of this parashah comes the critical moment when Jacob/Israel and his clan descend into Egypt, setting the stage for what will unfold next: enslavement, suffering, redemption, and revelation. Following their encounter...

When Joseph’s “I” Was No More

Mikeitz Genesis 41:1-44:17 One of my favorite verses in the whole of Torah is in this week’s parashah. Joseph has just been brought up from jail to interpret Pharaoh’s dream, which the court diviners could not explain. “Pharaoh said to Joseph, ‘… I have heard this...

Seeing Through the Veil of the Mind

Chayei Sarah Genesis 23:1-25:18 The unfolding of the biblical narrative brings us to the close of one chapter—that of Abraham and Sarah’s journey—and the opening of a new one—that of their son Isaac and soon-to-be wife: Rebekah. After Sarah dies, Abraham sends his...

Beyond Our Ego’s Idea of Justice

Vayeira Genesis 18:1-22:24 In his life storyline, Abraham did not always rise to the occasion of his ethical challenges. Yet this aspect of his story is worthy of praise: his standing up to God in the episode of Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham remained standing before the...

Cain and Abel: A Teaching on Generosity

B’reishit Genesis 1:1-6:8 Abel was a Shepherd and Cain tilled the soil. And it was, after the passing of days, that Cain brought some of the fruit of the soil as an offering to the Eternal; and as for Abel, he too brought [an offering] from among the choice...

Let Your Heart Crack Open

Ki Tavo Deuteronomy 26:1 – 29:8 This week’s Torah portion begins: “When you enter the land that the Eternal your God is giving you as a heritage, and you possess it and settle in it, you shall take some of every fruit of the soil, which you harvest from the land...