by | Jan 10, 2020 | Torah Reflections
Awakening to a Deeper Trust: Vayechi Vayechi: Genesis 47:28-50:26 Trust is a central tenet in our tradition. Judaism is not a creedal religion, by which I mean that no acceptance of a specific theological system, no adoption of dogma, is required in order to be...
by | Dec 19, 2019 | Torah Reflections
Embracing Imbalance: Vayeishev Vayeishev: Genesis 37:1-40.23 Vayeishev, the name and first word of this week’s Torah portion has caused much ink to be spilled. Vayeishev is translated in English to mean: “And he settled,” referring to Jacob finally settling down “in...
by | Dec 11, 2019 | Torah Reflections
Under the Sheep Skin: Vayishlach Vayishlach: Genesis 32:4-36:43 This week’s Torah portion marks the end of a major chapter in Jacob’s life, culminating in his night-long tussle with a fierce angelic apparition. He has been struggling with a relentless scourge in his...
by | Nov 7, 2019 | Torah Reflections
The Future of a Promise: Lech Lecha Lech Lecha: Genesis 12:1-17:27 This week’s Torah portion marks the beginning of the Patriarchal story in the Book of Genesis. Abraham receives God’s call to leave his home and travel to an unknown land with the assurance of God’s...
by | Oct 30, 2019 | Torah Reflections
The Holiness of Where We Are: Noah Noah: Genesis 6:9-11:32 The two main events of Parashat Noach draw our attention to the sacredness of Place (one of God’s names in Jewish tradition). Both the Flood and the Tower of Babel are stories about God’s response to the...
by | Oct 25, 2019 | Torah Reflections
Cain & Abel…A Teaching on Generosity: Bereishit Bereishit: Genesis 1:1-6:8 Abel was a Shepherd and Cain tilled the soil. And it was, after the passing of days, that Cain brought some of the fruit of the soil as an offering to the Eternal; and as for Abel, he...