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How Will We Answer The Call?

VaYikra Leviticus 1:1 – 5:26 “VaYikra el Mosheh vaYedaber YHVH leave me-ohel moed.—He called to Moses. The Eternal One spoke to him from the Tent of Meeting.” (Lev. 1:1) Thus begins the Book of Leviticus. In all of Torah, there are only three instances when...

Calling All Angels!

Vayak’heil – Pekudei Exodus 35:1 – 40:38 With these two parashiot, which are read together except during the Jewish leap year, when Pekudei stands alone during the additional month of Adar II, we are entering into the closing chapters of the Book of...

When You Lift Up the People

Ki Tissa Exodus 30:11 – 34:35 It often happens that the reading of Ki Tissa, this week’s Torah portion, and the festival of Purim fall in the same week, and there is a remarkable congruence in their themes. An important part of Purim festivities is the custom of...

You Are the Eternal One

T’tzaveh Exodus 27:20 – 30:10 The ordination of Aaron and his sons into the priesthood is one of the high points of this Torah portion. In preparation, community artisans designed ornate garments, which were sewn together and decorated with gold, precious...

Creating an Inner Sanctuary

T’rumah: Exodus 25:1 – 27:19 “Creating an Inner Sanctuary” After a brief introduction, we come to one of the most famous lines in Torah: “V’asu Li mik’dash, v’Shachan’ti b’tocham,” usually translated: “And let them make Me a sanctuary that I...

Our Highest Spiritual Principles

Mishpatim: Exodus 21:1 – 24:18 “Our Highest Spiritual Principles”    When a person’s ox injures a neighbor’s ox and it dies, they shall sell the live ox and divide its price; they shall also divide the dead animal. If, however, it is known that...