Torah Reflections
Each week, Rabbi Olivier prepares a written reflection on the weekly Torah portion. These provide yet another way to discover the texts sacred to Judaism and to prepare for Shabbat each week.
It Begins with the Tenth Commandment
Yitro: Exodus 18:1 - 20:23 "It Begins with the Tenth Commandment" The centerpiece of Parashat Yitro is the theophany at Sinai and the gift of the Ten Commandments, the Ten Utterances. On the surface these utterances may appear merely as rules, laws, and...
Why Did They Have to Drown?
B'Shalach: Exodus 13:17 - 17:16 "Why Did They Have to Drown?" The Song at The Sea with its archaic Hebrew style—when compared with the rest of Torah—is probably the most ancient text in the entire Jewish canon. It describes Moses and the Israelites, having...
From Pharaoh’s Slaves to God’s Slaves
Bo: Exodus 10:1 - 13:16 "From Pharaoh's Slaves to God's Slaves" There is a peculiar word in Hebrew that is used interchangeably in this parashah: Avad. At the beginning of the parashah we read: “The Eternal said to Moses: Come to Pharaoh! For I have hardened...
Worthy and Belonging
VaEira: Exodus 6:2 - 9:35 "Worthy and Belonging" At the end of last week’s portion, Moses, having faced Pharaoh’s first rebuke and retaliation upon the Israelite slaves, immediately complains to God. “My Lord, why have You harmed this people; why have You sent...
Beyond Fear and Morality
Shemot: Exodua 1:1 - 6:1 "Beyond Fear and Morality" The Book of Exodus opens with an accounting of the sons of Jacob—the brothers of Joseph—who have been living in Egypt at the invitation of Joseph and with permission from the pharaoh. After that first...
A Zodiac Wheel in a Synagogue?
Vayechi: Genesis 47:28 - 50:26 "A Zodiac Wheel in a Synagogue?" During one of our congregation’s trips to Israel, we made a stop at the archeological site of Bet Alpha, a sixth-century synagogue near Beit She’an. The synagogue is famous for the stunning mosaic...
The Next Messiah
Chanukah Reflection 5783 "The Next Messiah" The holiday of Chanukah that begins Sunday night, is a celebration of light, the commemoration of an ancient miracle. It is a time for us to reflect on the light in our life, and be reminded of the miracle...
Awakening Beyond Silence
Vayishlach: Genesis 32:4 - 36:43 "Awakening Beyond Silence" One of the first revelations that meditation allows is an encounter with the unbelievable noise that lies within us. As if by magic, as soon as our eyes are closed an onslaught of thoughts comes...
God Was in This Place
Vayeitzei: Genesis 28:10 - 32:3 "God Was in This Place" One verse above all others in this Torah portion encompasses the entirety of Kabbalistic thought: “Waking from his sleep, Jacob said, ‘Truly, the Eternal is in this place, and I did not know it!’” (Gen....
Why we Need Conflict
Tol'dot: Genesis 25:19 - 28:9 "Why we Need Conflict" The twin brothers Esau and Jacob wrestled each other even before they were born. Both, it seems, wanted to be the firstborn in order to inherit the Divine promise to Abraham from their father, Isaac. “The...
Where Life Hangs by a Fragile Thread
Chayei Sarah: Genesis 23:1 - 25:18 "Where Life Hangs by a Fragile Thread" “The cry of the shofar is the tears of Sarah.” Thus says a midrash describing the moment when Sarah was told that Abraham had taken her son Isaac and had slaughtered him on an altar as a...
A Place of Great Evil
Vayera: Genesis 18:1 - 22:24 "A Place of Great Evil" Whereas Lech Lecha invites us to consider the nature of Sacred Space, Vayera introduces us to its complete opposite: the sinful cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. This story, combined with the story of Babel just...